pepsi coca cola used india pesticide

Published on May 19th, 2014

Pepsi and Coca-Cola are being used in India as Pesticide

Farmers in India have found that the popular drinks Pepsi and Coca-Cola can be used as a pesticide and, in addition, they are roughly 10 times cheaper than the chemicals commonly used in pest and disease control. See the video above.

So far, the two drinks have been used in India for the protection of crops, especially rice, but there is hope that they will prove to be equally effective with other cultures.


What the two companies say

Not unexpectedly, both Pepsi and Coca-Cola vehemently deny that their drinks could contribute in any way to controlling diseases and pests. They claim that, if true, they would sell their drinks as pesticides, which are more expensive than refreshments.

What experts say Indians

Some Indian agronomists say that there is no scientific basis that would support the use of pesticides famous drinks. What could happen is that the sugar in these drinks, which is found in large quantities, attracts ants on the sprayed leaves of plants which can also give an occasion for the larvae of pests to attack what would come their way.

There are other Indian professionals who have a different explanation: in fact, by spraying with those two drinks, plants receive a supplement of sugar and carbohydrates, enhancing the immunity of the plant, which results in healthier plants and richer fruits. So, the two drinks would act as stimulator.

Coke and Pepsi Are Used as Pesticides in India

What do Internet users say

The news was quickly picked up on the internet and is discussed extensively. Many said it was not expected that the CEO’s of Pepsi and Coca-Cola where not happy with the new beverage discovered by the ingenious use of Indians. Assign a drink with pesticides, which are extremely toxic, highly polluting, and in some circumstances even death, can not contribute in any way to increase sales.

However, some were of the opinion that it is not excluded that in these drinks there is something that can kill pests and diseases. Phosphoric acid, for example, which is a strong acid that can act as a pesticide. The same thing can be said about the aspartame in Diet Coke. Knowing that aspartame has negative effects on the human nervous system can be suspected as a neurotoxic that can effect plant pests.

Other ingenious uses

The Internet is full of “praise” to the ” virtues” of both drinks such as cleaning blood stains on concrete, toilets, the bumpers of cars or garage floors.

Of course, the main role of the two remains that of soft drinks, even if more and more people believe that when you are thirsty it is better to drink a glass of water.

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