olive oil the best friend for us who want to lose weight or stay fit

Human body

Published on March 18th, 2013


Olive oil, the best friend for us who want to lose weight or stay fit

Compared with other natural oils and fats, olive oil can give us more quickly feeling that we had enough to eat. This, say experts, can assist those who want to lose weight or those who want to stay fit without gain extra pounds.

A group of German and Austrian researchers studied the health benefits of four natural fats that are found in normal diets butter, lard, rapeseed oil and olive oil. Over three months, volunteers involved in the study consumed daily 500 grams yogurt mixed with one of the four fats.

The results showed that the most filling was yogurt mixed with olive oil. Moreover, none of those who followed the diet did not gain wight in the 3-month study.

“The group of subjects who consumed olive oil had a higher concentration of serotonin, the hormone that is nature’s own appetite suppressant”, said Dr. Peter Schieberle study coordinator.

Since rapeseed oil has fatty acids similar to those of olive oil, scientists from the Technische University Munich (TUM) wanted to find out what makes this second oil to bring so many benefits to health .

Their suspicion was that an important role in this process plays aromatics. To test the theory, they conducted a second experiment in which there were only two groups of volunteers: a control that received plain yogurt and another who consumed yogurt with extracts of aromatic compounds.

The research results indicated that these compounds provides the same benefits as olive oil itself. Moreover, the control group had at the end of the study serotonin levels lower than subjects who ate yogurt with aromatic oil extracts.

Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter affecting brain cells related to appetite, sex drive, mood, memory, learning and social behavior. Diet has a major influence on the level of serotonin, and this study highlighted the role of olive oil increase the satiety hormone.

Source: Medical Daily

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