amazing film slow motion crocodile attack prey

Published on February 8th, 2014

Amazing film in slow motion. How does a crocodile attack on their prey?

We see the world differently when it’s in slow motion. Images that normally are not spectacular, they become impressive when we can observe every detail.

Sara Boboltz, form the Huffington Post, made ​​a compilation on animal pictures filmed in slow motion.

Many are impressive, but by far the most interesting is the one that shows how crocodiles hunt. Crocs’ main method of propulsion is by moving their powerful tails in an S-shape

Crocodiles are just plain terrifying.

slo mo

Yikes. Crocs’ main method of propulsion is by moving their powerful tails in an S-shape, which helps them swim up to 20 MPH. Sometimes vertically. They generally stay very still until prey is nearby, striking out in a very quick and horrifying fashion.

Other videos and animated GIFs of animals in slow motion can be seen here.

Source: Business Insider

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